Revelations Coming (The Dark Truth Novel Series) Read online

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  It was soft, breathy, and it made his blood boil with desire. Sheila's face relaxed with relief and sat down.

  “Thank you so much Venus. You're a Godsend!”

  Michael tilted his head at her choice of words. She had no idea, he thought.

  Venus piled the dishes in her arm and took off into the kitchen. Michael was so attuned to her every movement that he didn't hear Reggie ask him a question. When his brother cleared his throat, Michael turned his head toward the man. Reggie had a knowing look on his face that was tempered by a deep frown.

  “I asked how long you plan on staying,” Reggie repeated, wiping his mouth with a napkin and reaching for his glass of tea.

  Michael didn't quite have a game plan yet. He either needed to quit his job and move here or somehow find a way to take Venus with him back to New York.

  “Not sure yet bro. Tryin' to get rid of me already?” Michael joked.

  “You know better. I only get to see you once a year. I'm home for the next three days, maybe we can go play a round.”

  Michael nodded his attention still turned towards the kitchen. “That would be great. Maybe Venus can join us.”

  Reggie's eyebrows flew up and his jaw tightened. “Hey kids, go grab the desserts from the kitchen.”

  Christa and Toby obeyed immediately without question and Reggie leaned in towards Michael.

  “Listen Mike...Venus is just a kid, a good kid. I don't think you should do anything to make it seem like you're into her.”

  Had his actions implied any nefarious intentions? Michael thought to himself. He sighed while taking in Reggie's protective face.

  “She seems great. I just figured maybe she ought to have some fun.”

  “Fun for an eighteen year old girl is not playing golf who two much older men.”

  “Hey, you never know,” Michael said with a mischievous smile.

  He got up from the table, piling his own plates in one hand and gave Reggie one last look. Reggie just shook his head and glared at him.

  “Just don't do anything to hurt her Michael,” Reggie warned.

  Like he would, oh ye of little faith, Michael thought. He went to the kitchen passing by Toby and Christa with their hands full of sweet treats. Venus' back was to him at the kitchen sink. The water was running so she didn't hear him at first. She was of average height but had a tiny frame. It triggered his protective instincts as much as he figured it did Reggie. Michael approached her slowly, not wanting to scare her. As he got closer he drew the scent of her into his nose and he froze. It made his whole body clench up. He was so weak, he thought scornfully. His charge was temptation incarnate. He struggled to keep moving and then he was directly behind her. He reached around her and placed the dirty dishes on the counter next to her. Her head twisted quickly, surprised and she let out a little gasp. Pulling his arm back he casually let it graze her own and they both shuddered from the sparks of electricity that filled them.

  “Can I help?” Michael asked after having to clear his throat several times. Venus looked at him with wide doe eyes for the longest few seconds of his life.

  “What? Oh no, I'm fine,” she said, color flooding her cheeks.

  She turned back toward her task and Michael knew he needed to walk back out of the kitchen until he figured out how he was going to break the news to her about her life.

  “Venus, do you feel like stepping outside with me for some fresh air?”

  The words were out of his mouth before he could clamp his lips shut.

  She turned to face him again but her face was troubled, her gaze wary. A building block in her mental wall broke and he was flooded with her secrets. Michael was buffeted with the horrors that she had endured for all these years. He had to squeeze his eyes shut and swayed at the force of them all.

  “Are you okay?” Venus asked concerned, putting an arm on his to steady him.

  That made it worse. The slight touch amplifying the roaring memories filtering out of her. Venus turned off the faucet and quickly dried her hands on a towel.

  “Come on, I think you really do need some fresh air,” she said, her voice gaining strength as her concern shifted to his well-being.

  Her emotional wall built itself back into place and Michael was finally able to breathe.

  Michael waited as she pulled on a light jacket and he led her to the large deck outback that overlooked the pool. He pulled a chair out for her and then sat across from her. It was all he could do to hold himself together after what he just learned. This treasure...this was how humans have treated the Lord's treasure. He cursed himself for not finding her sooner. Michael wanted to look at her some more, if she would just meet his eyes.

  Venus was surprised by Michael's invitation. She was more surprised by her acceptance of his offer. She didn't give out her trust easily and she had just met him. But Michael was Reggie's brother. Surely, she would be safe with him. Her gaze flipped up to Michael's face and once again Venus became breathless. He was gorgeous. It wasn't just his looks either. It was his presence. He was so strong, so confident, extremely successful by the look of his clothes and shoes. She recognized the pendant around his neck too. She couldn't remember where she saw it before or what the writing meant. Somehow, it soothed her fears. Michael's full lips curled into a smile as she studied the thin piece of metal.

  “Do you know the symbol?” he asked.

  Venus shrugged, just a slight lift of her shoulders. “It looks familiar but I have no idea what it means.”

  “It means Warrior of God,” he explained. “Venus, there's a lot of things I need to explain to you.”

  Venus' eyebrows scrunched together as she waited for him to continue. He had closed his eyes and Venus took the time to study his features. He had high cheekbones, a strong jaw. His eyelashes were incredibly long and his lips...were like a work of art. Venus ground her teeth together at the thought of kissing those lips. Michael opened his eyes again and his gaze was serious and sad.

  “You are special Venus,” he started and paused for several seconds. “What I'm going to tell you is not going to make any sense to you at all. I know what you've been through all these years, all of it.”

  She opened her mouth to discard his beliefs but closed it, a frown marring her beautiful features.

  “You gifted me with your memories earlier. I should have been there for you to protect you all these years but I've just now found you.” His voice drifted off at the end, strained with pain.

  “Who are you?” she whispered.

  “You could say I'm your Guardian Angel,” he breathed.

  Her frown intensified, her jaw working back and forth as she ground her teeth. “Yeah, I could have used you a lot earlier.” Did she believe him so easily? Why wasn't she accusing him of being insane?

  “Do you have any special gifts Venus?”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, one of mine is looking into the soul. Another is incredible strength. Do you have any special abilities?”

  Venus immediately shook her head, her eyes flipping to the ground. Michael sorted through the memories of her, trying to pick out what her abilities were. He nearly gave up until...there it was.

  “Tell me,” he urged softly.

  Her eyes flew up to his, her mouth parting slightly all wet and pink. It made him hard all over again. She absently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and turned her gaze toward the sky.

  “I haven't thought about it in so long. I don't even know if it's still there,” she whispered her voice like a thousand feathers against his skin.

  Michael waited patiently for her to sort it out in her head. She blew out a breath and shook her head.

  “I could move know with my mind. I always used to do it when I was alone, just testing it out, seeing what I could and couldn't do. I was living in a group home at the time. I was seven.”

  Michael waited and waited for her to continue but she was lost in her own thoughts. “What h
appened?” he pressed softly again.

  “I can't remember what I was moving. Probably something stupid...a blanket, or a pen. Whatever. One of the administrators walked in and saw the thing just hovering there in midair. When I realized she was there, it fell to the floor. She locked me in a tiny closet for three days.” Venus paused again, her voice wavering causing Michael to suppress the urge to scoop her up and comfort her with his hands, with his lips. Venus closed her eyes and tilted her head back. “No light, no food, no water. I thought I was going to die in there with nothing but a cold hard floor to comfort me.”

  Her big eyes opened and met Michael's and he thought he was going to pass out right then and there.

  “Why?” he asked, his voice ragged.

  Venus looked down again, this time focusing on her nails.

  “It was just another thing that screamed that I wasn't normal. Normal kids get adopted. Not normal kids are state owned the rest of their childhood. The home's job was to turn kids out as fast as they could...spare the expense for the state. I was a complete and utter failure.”

  Michael reached forward and took her tiny hands in his. He automatically shuddered as his skin touched hers. A raging fire grew within him, begging to be released or to be sated.

  “You are precious,” Michael murmured.

  Venus gazed into those beautiful baby blues. His voice was so calming. When it felt like she would be swept away from her emotions, his voice wrapped around her and held her steady. He was her rock. Her hands in his caused her heartbeat to speed up and it felt like she was struggling to catch her breath. “I'm strong too,” she whispered tears now bubbling up to the surface.

  “What?” Michael asked, his voice a rich warmth that coated her like a second skin.

  “You said you're strong. I'm strong, too but I'm a coward. I could have hurt the people that hurt me. I could have snapped their spines like twigs. But I didn't. I wanted to be wanted. I didn't want to be not normal anymore,” her breath caught and she hiccupped as the tears streamed.

  “Oh baby,” he coaxed, lifting her hands to his lips. “I should have been there damn it. I...Venus, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.”

  He listened to her words. She may have both dark and light within her but all that he could hear coming from her was goodness. She had the ability to hurt people or at the very least stop them from hurting her and she didn’t. It sounded like she had already chosen the moral level she wanted to live by. Hopefully deciding on her mate would be just as easy. His chest ached for her and those big emerald eyes shiny with tears sent pangs of regret and useless wishes through him.

  “You were just kidding about being an angel weren't you? You're just special like me?”

  Michael pressed his lips into a thin line. How was he supposed to explain so much? One thing at a time, he coached himself. The sound of the sliding door pulled him from his thoughts and he dropped Venus' hand as he saw Reggie's dark scowl.

  “Dessert Venus?” Reggie asked shooting Venus a look of calm and disinterest. Michael knew Reggie wanted to tear him a new one.

  Venus swiped her tears away and truly smiled at them both and it would have dropped Michael to his knees if he wasn't sitting already. The smile brightened her whole face, shooting straight to those gorgeous tear-filled eyes. It felt like the whole world just brightened a bit. Damn, he thought trying to shake himself out of a Venus-induced stupor.

  “Thank you Reggie,” she said softly as she passed them both.

  Michael wasn't sure if she was thanking him for dessert or for saving her from his perverted brother's attention. Michael swallowed a frustrated growl as he stood up prepared to follow Venus into the house. He needed to let Venus know the dangers in her life before that danger snuck right up on her. They would find her...though he was not Vampyre, he felt the call of her blood. Any Vampyre near the area would feel it too. Damn, he needed to get her out of here. Reggie cleared his throat and Michael thought slightly amused and perplexed at the same time that he missed what Reggie had said to him again.

  “Hmmm?” Michael asked raising his eyebrows.

  Surprisingly, Reggie shoved him hard enough that Michael landed back onto the patio chair he just vacated. Michael cast a scowl up to the big man.

  “Watch yourself, brother. I'm no longer a kid,” he snarled.

  Reggie's eyes burned with anger. “That's right. You're not a kid asshole. Guess what Venus is.”

  Michael jumped up not resisting the urge to throw down. They stood nearly nose to nose, the anger vibrating through them both. The sound of the sliding door opening didn't manage to sway either of them.

  “Boys?” Sheila's worried voice broke through to them both.

  Reggie immediately drew back regarding Michael with distrust. Michael was still breathing hard from the adrenaline rush.

  “Stay away from her,” Reggie said low enough so Sheila wouldn't hear.

  He turned to walk into the house and Michael responded softly, “I can't.” Reggie paused but didn't turn back around. He brushed a kiss on Sheila's lips and went inside. Sheila regarded Michael for a moment, her eyebrows drawn low in concentration. Michael half wondered if Sheila was a forgotten Mashiach, an unturned Vampyre, because her mental powers were so strong. She could read people instantly, including Michael. But she wasn't. She was just special like Venus thought she was. He sighed and walked forward keeping his eyes on Sheila's. Michael hoped she could see his need to protect Venus. He hoped she didn't see how potent the girl was to his sex drive. Sheila patted him on the shoulder as he reached her and he let her lead him inside.


  Venus was glad Thanksgiving was over finally. There had been a lot of tension emanating between Reggie and Michael and Venus had the feeling it was because of her. But now that Thanksgiving was over, Sheila and Christa had ambushed her into going Black Friday shopping. Venus sighed. She hated shopping. She hated crowds.

  “Venus, are you ready?” Christa called down to the basement where Venus was staying.

  “Be up in a sec,” Venus called back.

  She dabbed on a touch of lip gloss and satisfied with her appearance she bounded up the stairs and slammed right into the arms of an angel. Venus was sure he didn't mean he was literally an angel but oh did he look it. She let out a little gasp as the heat that engulfed her every time he touched her fired up in her stomach. His hold tightened on her and she almost melted at the fierce protective look on his face.

  “Sorry,” she whispered and tried to move out of his grasp.

  One of his hands held her tight at the crook of her elbow. The other now moved and pressed at her low back. Pressing her into him. Before she could stop herself, she let out a tiny moan that caused Michael's eyelids to flutter down.

  “I don't want you to go out there alone,” he said his voice hoarse.

  “I won't be alone. Sheila and Christa...”

  “Are not your protection. I'm going with you.”

  “Oh, no you're not,” a deep growl sounded above them.

  Venus looked up and saw Reggie standing there glaring at Michael. Michael immediately dropped his arms from around her and Venus felt so cold without his touch. She forced herself to climb the remaining stairs and squeeze past Reggie's big frame. Venus glanced over her shoulder at Michael who still looked at her with those baby blue eyes and once again forced herself to walk away from him.

  Two hours later...

  The Gulfstream jet landed gracefully on the runway and Riken St. Clair pushed his way off of the plush, white leather chair. The plane pulled to a stop and immediately his hulking bodyguards formed an impenetrable wall around him. The blonde Mashiach in front of him barked out orders in harsh French. Riken had ordered him to speak the tongue though the enormous Vampyre detested the French and their pansy language he often put it. Riken had found Corbin Clovis in Germany nearly two hundred years ago, a brother in arms of the Rex Deus bloodline. Corbin was what you might call his lieutenant, his chief of security, his advise
r and best friend. An immense male with a perfect build for a soldier, he had a jagged scar running along his jawline…given to him by his Germanic elders before he was turned. Fair haired like so many of their bloodline, Corbin was an invaluable killer. A Vampyre of Riken's status needed one such as Corbin for Riken was Prince of the ancient bloodline and had many, many enemies. Riken had been lucky that he was already over in the States for business when the call came in. She had been found. Lost to the bloodline eighteen years ago, she was the key to their future. The key to their survival. But it wasn't his people that found was his enemy and thank God he had spies among them. Riken climbed down the stairs and straight into an awaiting SUV. Corbin barked another order to the driver and they fled the airport to the place she was spotted last...The Summit Mall in Reno, Nevada. Riken repressed a shudder.

  “She has three Talmidim and one Mashiach following her right now,” Corbin told him in a thick German accent.

  Riken cursed and barked an order of his own to the driver and the SUV lurched forward.

  “Who saw her first?” Riken asked genuinely curious.

  “Justice,” Corbin replied with snarl.

  Not good, Riken thought. Justice was the lieutenant of his Descendants of Cain nemesis, Arias Hassan. No doubt Arias was on his way as well. Riken could only hope that the Prince had been in his hometown of Dubai, giving Riken roughly fifteen hours or so before he landed.

  “We need to find her before they do,” Riken told his friend. “Get as many of our people here as possible.”

  Corbin nodded and flipped open his cell and began preparations.

  Christa threaded her arm through Venus' and pulled her through the walkways of the open-air mall. Sheila had long ago given up on trying to keep up and gave them a meeting place and time. Christa paused outside the window of a small boutique store and Venus glanced around them. She had a funny feeling in her stomach. A feeling of being watched. Christa pulled on her arm again and they entered the tiny store.