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Revelations Coming (The Dark Truth Novel Series) Page 4

  “Oh, it's perfect,” Christa breathed as she handled a crimson silk gown. “I'm trying it on,” she said before Venus could get a word in edge wise.

  Venus hovered outside of the dressing room waiting patiently for her wiry friend. That feeling was there again and she scanned the people that flooded past the outside of store. As she swung her gaze back towards the dressing room, a jade green gown caught her eye. It had a deep plunging necklace, a virtually non-existent backside and sparkled with embedded jewels. Venus ran her hand over the soft material and visualized herself in the dress. Yeah, when would she ever wear it?

  “Stunning,” a soft voice said from behind her and she turned her eyes meeting the baby blues that haunted her thoughts.

  “Michael,” she murmured.

  He nodded towards the dress. “I think it was made just for you. May I?” He asked holding his hand out for the dress. She blushed beautifully and shook her head.

  “It would just sit in the closet,” she laughed caressing it softly again.

  Michael swallowed hard watching those elegant fingertips travel across the green silk. Then he stiffened, his eyes going wide as the power level jumped up a million notches. They were here. When he arrived he sensed the Vampyres...but someone new just arrived and if he guessed correctly it was royalty...but from which line? Michael turned towards the entrance of the store and placed Venus strategically behind him, shielding her from the presence that lurked outside.

  “Tell me that's not an angel,” Corbin muttered next to Riken.

  Riken smiled. Not only was it an was the angel...Michael. Riken was in luck. Michael was on his side and clearly protecting a tiny little someone behind him. Riken stepped into the little store, his guards spreading out around him.

  “Ah Michael. It is a relief to see you!” Riken stepped forward and thrust out a hand. Michael bent at the waist slightly in a polite bow and then took the hand in his own.

  “I'm glad it's you Riken,” he said softly still hiding the package behind him.

  Before Riken could ask about her, two enormous green eyes peeked out from behind Michael's back and Riken was stunned silent. Michael moved slightly and a girl, a young woman appeared before his eyes. Delicate, delectable, a goddess...his. Riken dropped to both knees, his hands braced on the dingy floor in front of him. He lowered his head in reverence for her.

  Venus gazed down at the bowed head that was bent at her feet. Michael moved to the side and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

  “Venus, this is Riken. Riken, Venus doesn't know a thing.”

  Riken raised his head and glared at the angel. “You have not told her?”

  Michael shrugged his massive shoulders. “Haven't had the time. We need to get out of here,” he said sensing other Vampyres closing in fast.

  Riken turned his gaze upon Venus again and nodded, his heart nearly stopping in his chest. He extended an arm out to her and Venus looked questioningly at Michael. Riken felt a burst of anger that she felt she needed the angel's permission to touch him. She was his. Riken blew out a breath to calm himself. She didn't know that yet. The angel hadn't done his job properly. Venus entwined her arm with his and he groaned quietly. She was so soft, so warm, smelled soooo good.

  “Christa?” Venus addressed Michael gesturing towards the dressing room. Michael clenched his jaw wishing Sheila was close.

  “I'll wait for her...I'll meet up with you once she's back home.”

  Venus hesitated as she felt Riken's gentle pull toward the front of the store. “Riken won't hurt you,” Michael said softly and his eyes were filled with sadness and regret but with a sense of urgency. “Go Venus,” he hissed. “I'll catch up.”

  Riken pulled gently again. “Come with me, ma cherie.”

  She followed the gorgeous man in front of her now. He was tall, well-muscled by the feel of his arm beneath hers. He had caramel colored wavy hair that fell just past his ears and startling gray eyes. She had been floored at the sight of the stranger bowing at her feet, who touched her so gently now. Deep within her boiled recognition. Her body recognized him somehow though she was sure she would have remembered his gorgeous face. His entourage formed a tight circle around the two and they moved fluidly through the crowd. The circle stopped abruptly as soon as they set foot on the parking lot. Riken let out what had to have been a curse in French the circle pressing even tighter around them.

  “Ah, so kind of you to secure her for us,” a dark voice said from in front of them.

  Venus couldn't see past the enormous figures guarding her but she recognized that voice immediately. The one she ran from in Montana just before she met Reggie.

  “Justice,” Corbin snarled stepping forward to approach the man.

  “Hand her over and I might let you live for today,” the man sneered.

  Venus curled into Riken's side frightened that this man had followed her all the way here. Riken kept her tight to his side while he moved towards his awaiting motorcade.

  “Don't leave so soon Riken,” Justice called. “I'll be done with your little puppy in a minute and then you and I can chat.”

  Riken had to smile as he heard the vicious snarls erupt from Corbin and he rushed Venus to the SUV, wanting to take advantage of the enemy’s preoccupation.

  “You can't leave your men,” Venus said in an urgent voice as the SUV tore out of the parking lot.

  What a wonderful little queen she would make...worried about her soldiers already, Riken thought with pride.

  “Don't you worry little one...they can take care of themselves.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Riken looked at the girl in front of him, trembling with fear but a fire in her eyes.

  “Somewhere safe,” he said softly. “I need to fill you in on what your angel failed to tell you.”

  Venus regarded him with serious eyes, her jaw tight. She didn't know what was going on. She trusted that Michael didn't just give her away to some nut job. He wouldn't right? Venus chanced a glance at Riken who was staring at her intently. He looked normal enough...early twenties with a baby face, drop dead gorgeous, et cetera. She supposed serial killers could be gorgeous as well.

  “Do you believe in Vampyres?” Riken asked out of the blue, causing Venus' mouth to fall open.

  “Vampyres?” she squeaked. “Um...of course not.”

  Riken nodded once. “Angels?”

  Was this about what Michael said about being her Guardian Angel? Venus shook her head.

  “God? The Devil?”

  Again a shake of her head. Riken blew out a breath and leaned his head against the seat.

  “I'm going to kill Michael,” he complained under his breath. “Venus...where do I begin?”

  Two hours later, Venus was finally nestled in at the safe house. This after a ten minute standoff when things got too unbelievable and Venus demanded to be let out of the SUV to get the hell away from the crazy bastard. The safe house being an old abandoned warehouse that reeked of bird poo and dead things. Her mind was still sorting through all the information Riken presented her with and still was having trouble processing it all. Riken had been patient with her from the moment she burst into tears to the moment she screamed for the SUV to stop to embarrassingly enough laying across his chest exhausted from the myriad of emotions. Now, Venus sat in a tiny office cramped with four other Mashiach bodyguards while Riken spoke urgently on the phone outside the office. How could it all be possible? She asked herself. She certainly didn't feel like Vampyre but then Riken said she wouldn't until she made the decision and another Mashiach turned her. He told her she wouldn't die or anything horrific like that, her body would just change and accommodate to different cells...longer lasting cells. He told her that the Talmidim, who were much like dogs were the ones that vampire horror stories were made from. They were the mindless bloodsucking beasts who terrorized cities. The Mashiach didn't even have to drink blood to be sustained though it was always an added bonus when it came to strength. Rik
en strode into the office and Venus noticed a bubble of power emanating from him. It wasn't visible but was just there...a feeling, a wave. The other Mashiach didn't have it around them, just Riken. She wondered if she had it, or if she would have it. Riken gave orders to the others in French and the room cleared quickly. He finally looked down into Venus' eyes and ran a shaky hand through his hair. His eyes had dark circles under them and he looked exhausted.

  “I'm sorry for the poor accommodations Venus...we'll get somewhere more comfortable as soon as it is safe.” Riken plopped down into an old, worn chair opposite of hers and stared at his hands.

  “Why am I special Riken? Why is everyone after me?” Venus asked timidly. It was a question that was weighing heavily on her.

  Riken wrung his hands together, clearly unsure of how to answer the question.

  “A lost scroll dated back to around 30 A.D. was found some sixty years ago. It’s believed to have been Jesus’ last prophecy. It’s about you Venus, you have a clear destiny. You were born to be a Queen…a Queen over all Vampyre bloodlines. You must choose a prince whom you will be mated to. This is why everyone wants you and has been searching for you.”

  Venus was silent for a few moments. “You all are killing each other over me because of a prophecy?”

  Riken tilted his chin in a nod and Venus shook her head.

  “What if the prophecy is wrong or if you misinterpreted it?”

  “No Venus. One way or another you will have to accept your calling. It is just a matter of time.”

  “But how do you know it's me? That it's not some other girl?”

  “The bloodlines do not interbreed...ever. The Rex Deus are extremely vigilant about preventing this. It is to preserve the bloodline. If we allowed other bloodlines to interbreed with us, we would lose the reason why we are here in the first place. Our bloodline is superior because we are descendants of Jesus himself. The Son of Man who was gifted with the blessing of eternal life. Your parents were well-respected top officials of both bloodlines. Your mother, whom you resemble greatly, headed up our patrol unit and your father was third in command with the Descendants of Cain. She was instructed to destroy him because he was encouraging the migration of their Talmidim into our territory. She sought him out to exterminate him but fell in love instead. The both knew the repercussions of their actions but their love was stronger than their fear of death. What other creation to come out of that union could be anything but the prophecy of Christ? You are the one Venus and we are most grateful for the sacrifice of your parents.”

  Venus appreciated Riken's words. Though they gave her little comfort with the revelation of what role she played amongst these monsters. Vampires.

  She felt safe around Riken and his men but there were others not so humane.

  “Do you have fangs?” Venus asked, curiosity getting the best of her. Riken's eyes lit up and he smiled at her innocent question.

  “Come and see,” he said in a low, seductive purr.

  He honestly didn't think she would but she surprised him thoroughly by getting off of her chair and moving towards him graceful like a panther. Her body was so tiny, yet so strong, so sexy. He gasped when she sat herself on his lap and looked down into his face, waiting expectantly. He opened his mouth slightly and felt his fangs retract from his gums. His eyes widened as her delicate little hand reached up towards him trembling. He realized he was trembling as well. Her fingertip caressed his fang with a light touch and then Venus gasped as she nicked herself on the tip.

  “So sharp,” she breathed.

  Riken's eyes were squeezed shut so tightly from forcing control on himself. The light caress sent tingles throughout his body and when she punctured her sweet flesh, he almost lost it. God, the taste of drop was too much and yet not enough. He wanted her body, heart, and soul. He snaked a hand behind her neck and brought her down to him. She made a soft gasp as their lips met and Riken had to shift her on his lap so she wouldn't be burdened by how hard he was for her. Her lips were soft and full. Riken sucked the bottom one gently before he slid his tongue into her mouth.

  Venus was slammed with lust. Her body screamed for more as his tongue expertly twined with hers, coaxing more from her. She leaned into him, feeling his erection at her hip and she shifted her weight to rub against him. He groaned into her mouth. Before Venus could move again, this time to straddle him an ear-piercing explosion ripped from below them. Venus scrambled off of Riken and he quickly backed her into a corner, protecting her. The office door flew open and Corbin ran in.

  “Arias is here my lord,” Corbin spit out breathlessly.

  “Come Venus,” Riken said already starting for the door.

  She didn’t hesitate and all but plastered herself against him. Venus knew to be frightened from Riken's earlier description of the other Dark Prince. He was enormous, dangerous, cruel. The embodiment of Satan himself. He led a bloodline full of sadist, bloodthirsty vampires and this was the one searching for her. She didn’t want to meet this creature. They rushed out of the office, down a back staircase and towards a back entrance. Venus slammed into Riken when he stopped abruptly. She peered around him to see what was going on and Venus swallowed hard as a warrior filled her that could only be Arias Hassan.

  She gasped, robbed of any breath. Lord, he was beautiful.

  Tattoos covered his massive arms and bare chest, his head was shaved bald. He was the color of chocolate sand and he emanated power and a call so strong and deep within her, her knees weakened immediately. He had nearly black eyes that started to swirl and twist like a turbulent ocean as soon as he saw her. His guards almost equally massive fanned out around him. It was clear that Riken and his crew were no match for these warriors.

  “Come to me,” Arias growled to her.

  Venus' eyes widened as her body listened without hesitation. His command was like a direct line of energy to her chest, pulling her towards him. Riken pulled her against him creating havoc within her. Both of their blood was calling to her but Arias' was stronger. He was older than Riken, by nearly three hundred years. Venus unconsciously struggled against Riken's hold.

  “No Venus, don't leave me.” Riken pleaded.

  “Come to me little one,” Arias purred again.

  Venus started forward again when she heard the click of a safety being thrown off. She turned her head to the side and watched horrified as Corbin palmed an enormous gun in his hand and fired at Arias.

  “No!” she screamed, her power billowing out of her.

  Her entire focus was on the path of that bullet. If she failed that bullet would find its way into the Prince's temple and while it wouldn’t kill him, it would incapacitate him enough for Riken and his men to destroy him by severing his head. She refused to let that happen, no matter how bad that man was in front of her. The bullet dropped to the floor feet from Arias. Venus was breathing hard from the mental exertion that she hadn't used in over ten years, disbelief and relief flooding her body. Arias' jaw dropped slightly and his lips parted. He raised his hand to beckon her to him again. But Venus realized too late that it wasn't to beckon her to him, it was to stop her. Guns exploded around her from both sides, Venus trapped in the middle. She heard Arias' roar and she heard Riken's roar. Stop! She screamed in her head, thrusting her arms out. Her mental power that she had hidden and been ashamed of for so long, flooded out of her body, billowing her hair about her head.

  Riken watched helplessly as Venus had ripped herself from his arms and started toward his enemy. When gunfire erupted around him, his roar was one of anger that his men would put their Queen in danger. His roar was one of jealousy that she would choose to go to that monster over him. Riken braced himself for the sight of her body filling with bullets as she stood there regal as the Queen she was, her head tilted back and her arms outstretched, like a sacrifice. Then, all bullets dropped to the floor with a clank, clank, clank. Riken sank to his knees at his woman's power.

  “No more,” she whispered loud enough
for them both to hear. “No more.”

  Her body collapsed and before she hit the floor Arias was there cradling her against him. The Mashiach's black eyes tore into Riken's, a snarl erupting and fangs elongating threateningly. He scooped her up and Riken was filled with loathing and a need for retribution. She looked like a child in his massive arms. Riken refused to imagine her in that monster's bed. Riken started forward but was stopped when Arias threw his hand up in warning.

  “She chose me,” he growled and turned his back on them.

  His men followed suit but were not stupid enough to turn their backs, they backed out guns still trained on them.

  Riken felt like he was going to pass out from his loss. It was acute, a shivering cold. Riken let out another roar, one filled with pain and longing...despair. His blast of power could be felt for miles.


  Michael felt the tidal wave of power roll through him. He stepped on the gas in his sports car and took the turn, tires squealing. The building where he knew to find them was smoldering. Something big had just happened. Riken and his men were filtering out of the building battle worn. Riken looked like he would collapse at any moment, his face drawn, tears still streaming down his cheeks. Shit, where was Venus? He yanked on the e-brake, letting the car slide sideways to a stop. Riken barely looked up.

  “Where is she?” Michael demanded as he climbed out of the car.

  Riken just shook his head. Michael strode up to him and let his heavy hands clamp down on his shoulders. “Where is she?” he demanded again.

  “They took her,” Riken said in a monotone voice, no doubt due to shock.

  “What are you doing then? Gear up and let's go after them.”

  Riken shook his head, holding himself upright by bracing his hands on Michael's car. “She chose him, Michael. Two seconds of seeing him and she chose him.”

  Michael was silent for a few minutes and then cursed. “Damn it Riken. It's just the call of his blood. She doesn't know how to battle against it. You need to fight for her or you'll lose so much more than a beautiful girl to warm your bed.”